Programming, Music, Games. Creation.


[UDK Tutorial] 1. Basic Scripting

Tutorial, by a noob for noobs.. hehe x]
I’ll be writing these tutorials based on what I know (which are probably true) and might not be perfect.
Please do use tutorials for references, but not depth studying..



1. Class Override – extends

Lets look at this part of OOHUD.uc

class OOHUD extends OOActor;

class means that we are going to refer to this ‘class’

OOHUD is the name of the class, which should be the same as the name of the file.uc

extends points which class overrides with this class

OOActor is the class which extends points at

Halt! whats Override?

it means to copy every single thing from the class, into the class I am coding

the Copied class is the Parent, the Pasted class is the Child

2. Variables

var string A;
var int B;
var(Variable) float C;
var bool D;

var means variable..(derp) this is very basic stuff so I won’t make further explanations..

to input value,


the value and type must compromise

1.f means 1 in float value
in Unreal Script, placing .f at the end of the value is used to indicate values with decimals

var array<int> Z;

Z[0] = 1;
Z[10] = 2;

this is also quite simple stuff..

3. Default Properties

A = 25;

DefaulProperties makes sense by its name.
if A=25; is in DefaultProperties,
A is always 25 when your UDK starts

Custom Weapon(by merc-ai‎), and crappy weapon attatchment


[UDK] Project Beside Myself – Menu and Stages


YUPP Menu, tutomap and stage1 map … kina complete?
(just the map, no events nothing)

i used MouseInterface for the menu

and hand-made(..?) script for the game itself :D

[UDK] Project Beside Myself – Custom Character and Animation

its been long since i hav not created a proper game
i found this UDK very impressive [although its free] and tried my best to create a game

its not THAT good… but hope it’s attractive :P

I first started off creating my own character in 3ds Max

as u can see, i created bones to make custom animations.. (y am i sayin this? LOL)

then i unwrapped .. ( found it easier to unwrap compared to human models.. Zzzzz )

coloured it as the way i like.. in photoshop of course..
[i thought it was good.. but .. this is one WEIRD map..]

i exported it via ActorX…

and IT WORKED! ofcourse, with the custom animation!
